And just like that we’re into the final month of the first quarter. We’re feeling a growing energy among our clients and partners that certainly signifies we’re settled into our stride as the year catches hold. 

Our Strategy trends report this month looks at six topics that caught our attention, providing both challenges and opportunities for marketing leaders. From the economy to consumer behaviour to technology trends, we’re bringing you the information you need in order to catch up, keep up and pull ahead. 

Here’s what we cover: 

1. Consumer confidence is starting to improve 

Despite mixed messages from economists and financial organisations about whether a recession is coming (or already here?), the GfK Consumer Confidence Index has improved to -38. 

And while that number still feels incredibly low, it’s the first time it’s risen above -40 in nine months. 

How should your business respond? Well, it depends. Download the report to find out more.

2. What is social proof and how can you use it?

Social proof is a phenomenon where people follow and copy the actions of others. Because of this effect, we often conform to the expectations and opinions of our peers without considering them rationally, especially in situations where we’re unsure about a decision or what to do.

When used in a marketing context, social proof helps customers make a decision while making them feel confident about their choice.

We take a look at how brands can apply this effect.

3. Generative AI can enhance paid media performance – here’s how

There’s been a lot of attention surrounding ChatGPT since its launch, with people across the industry wondering how it can help (or hurt) their roles. We believe it’s a useful tool that can help boost productivity across a wide range of marketing disciplines. 

In this report, we look at how ChatGPT can help with paid media management in particular. 

4. Evolving your marketing to stay relevant post-pandemic

While we’ve all been relieved to get back to ‘normal life’ after the pandemic, some world-views, attitudes and behaviours have changed. 

Marketers need to continuously adapt their activity and messaging to stay relevant and useful. 

We look at eight ways you can evolve to fit the post-pandemic world. 

5. Key takeaways from Google and Microsoft as they launch AI-powered search 

In the battle of the search engines, which one will come out on top? Both Google and Microsoft ran events in February to announce their AI-powered, chat-based search features. 

While Google’s Bard made headlines for making an error during its demo, there were plenty of other talking points at both events. Download the report to find out how this might impact search.  

6. How generational shifts are disrupting B2B buying behaviours

Forrester’s recent research says that Millennials and Gen Z now make up 64% of business buyers. 

These younger buyers are more demanding, engaging in more buying activities, and more willing to express their dissatisfaction with the buying process. 

These changing buying behaviours, combined with continued economic uncertainty and tighter budgets, mean sales and marketing leaders need to adapt their go-to-market strategies.

Download the report below and get in touch if you’d like to talk through what these trends might mean for your business. 

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